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Holger Kranich
Now this is typical... Trumpeter has stolen this picture from Funny fact is that it depict the E-5 from AMUSING HOBBY! How deep can a company sink? And what is really nasty? On Facebook they blocked the owner of this "boxart" and deleted all his comments ... So this E-5 is away from my wishlist!🙁
Panzerkleinzerstörer E5 "Rutscher"
Trumpeter 1:35
2017* Nová forma
2 11 July 2017, 14:35
Holger Kranich
Obviously I can be happy that they didn't blocked me after I send them some harsh words...
11 July 2017, 16:39
Holger Kranich
Is it really so uninteresting to anyone, that a brand like Trumpeter is acting like this...?
11 July 2017, 19:41
I only just seen this, Its very bad they did this.. 🙁
11 July 2017, 19:49
Soeren R.
Thats indeed a shame and doesnt really speak for Trumpeter as a company....
Sadly thats kind of typical for Chinese companies to copy stuff and then do as it was their idea. 🙁
11 July 2017, 20:16
Matthias Weiss
Did it happen before or are you just generally mad on Trumpy?
12 July 2017, 11:53
Sebastian Meyner
I think it happened before. In addition to that it's quiet "interesting" how Trumpeter releases kits of a certain subject, another manufacturer just released (wich means that they started the development of the kit right around the same time as the competition - what a "coincidence" ) ...seems to me as if Trumpeter is deliberately taking advantage of the competitions promotion for their kits.
12 July 2017, 12:29
Holger Kranich
So many "coincedences"... Amusing Releases the Bär, Trumpeter too. Amusing Releases the E-5, Trumpeter too. New Connection Releases the Waffenträger, Trumpeter too... Is that a coincedence?😄

But what really drives me nuts is that they steal a pic without credit etc...
12 July 2017, 12:57
Sebastian Meyner
The list goes on: Meng releases the T-10...guess what, Trumpeter comes up with the T-10. Amusing releases the E-100 Krupp turret, surprise ....Trumpeter has a cunning plan about releasing the E-100 Krupp turret.

As mentioned by Sören above, the total disregard by Trumpeter when it comes to copyright protected properties is highly disturbing but sadly not all that surprising.
12 July 2017, 13:17
Holger Kranich
Indeed absolutely!
12 July 2017, 13:54
Matthias Weiss
hmm... is it coincidence? Consindering the fact that you need to study the original or need very good references to create a highly detailed kit. You also need to do the tooling engineering and tooling production. That takes some time and why should Teumpy be faster than others? Announcements are normally not done 6 months ahead, are they?

And, Trumpy is no longer significantly cheaper than than the other brands. If their goal was to create cheap alternatives to the other kits it didn't work out imo. Or would you prefer Trumpy's T-10 over Meng's?

I honestly believe that at least some Chinese manufacturers share the knowledge and researches, maybe even engineering. See for the T-14 it took them 2 years after Panda and Takom to release it, 1 year after Zvezda. Or look at the Kraz 260 + 6322 - in 2015 Takom released them, Trumpy announced but didn't release them, right? Took them 2 years to release those under HobbyBoss lable which belongs to the same company as Trumpy. Did Takom maybe bail out from the "deal"? Also no KV-5, no T29 or T30 from Trumpy on the way.

12 July 2017, 14:58
Matthias Weiss
Oh and BTW: Don't worry about Facebook - KPCh announced a crackdown on VPNs in China, soon Facebook will no longer be present here... 🙁
12 July 2017, 15:02
Larry E
This is SOP for the Chinese. See something, copy it and sell it cheaper... take a look on Ebay for the Alpine & Kirin figures, that are shipped "without the box".
12 July 2017, 16:24
Dacia Tank
Remember Trumpeter also stole Rinaldi's E-100 turret design and gave him no credit either.
26 September 2021, 14:17

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