スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 foureyez on scalemates.com

Koen Rollé
Again I hope it's mine. If the Belgian postal services don't screw up. 🙂
Britten Norman Islander / Defender
Airfix 1:72
03067 2006 新デカール
29 April 2014, 13:04
Holger Kranich
Hey Koen, i hope you know what you can expect from the kit? Some of the hugest rivets i´ve ever seen on a braille scale kit!
29 April 2014, 13:31
Koen Rollé
Well, thanks for the heads up. But I guess I won't be starting it any time soon, since the Belgian postal services 'lost' my package, together with the Fouga Magister kit. Bummed out!
5 May 2014, 13:51
D. Ninetalis
Gotta love Bpost, you aren't the first one, I used to trade games by postal services and I've lost multiple packages thanks to them. They also tend to just put the package on top of the mailbox so it is up for anybody to snatch it. Found one of my packages opened up once it had about 100euros worth of games in it, but it seemed that it wasn't interesting enough to however opened the package. And when you contact them about your package they never have any idea where your package is. I hope you got some sort of compensation? I never did.
5 May 2014, 13:55
Günther Debiscop
Koen, thats the Belgian Post Office working at his best..... They lost a lot of package for me.... They even had a package resent to the US because I didn't pick it up, but they never left a notice for me...
5 May 2014, 13:56
D. Ninetalis
Notice? their notice is to ring your door and answer. If you don't well then it is your problem. Then they are surprised that nobody likes to use their service. :/ As long as you are home at the time that they ring your door, you're fine. But when you aren't, you are basically doomed to lose your package and everything in it...
5 May 2014, 13:58
Koen Rollé
I usually work at home, so I would have heard them. I should have known. I guess I'm going to use Kiala (if possible) for future shipments...
5 May 2014, 14:07

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