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O.K. I kept quite about this movie (after seeing the first midnight screening a few days ago) and i guess most real fans would have seen it by now? I wondered what others think about it? I didn't mind it (After you get past the boring "dark" first hour (this would look bad in 3D?) it picks up when the battle begins. But for me the biggest disappointment is the soundtrack IT SUCKS it never reaches the same level as John Williams fantastic scores do. It's very average and sounds more like it should be used on a "Psycho" movie! Disney better watch out what they do with the Star Wars franchise! They seem to be fast screwing it up. When i went to the midnight screening it was only about half full. And i went back on Saturday to see it with my girlfriend (she thought it was boring too for the first hour) at 7.00pm and there was even less people in the cinema then about 50 people or so! NOT GOOD for a first week screening! It won't appeal to younger kids too as it's too dark and boring for the first half they will get sick of it. Disney is not going to attract younger fans if they keep this up. 🙁
Star Wars Rogue One
Rebel U-Wing Fighter SnapTite
Revell 1:100
85-1637 2016 New tool
18 December 2016, 06:53
So has anybody seen Star Wars Rouge One yet?
18 December 2016, 16:19
Holger Kranich
Hi Glenn, no i have not yet, but i plan to see it. But i think, making a movie that plays only in the star wars universe can f*ck up if there is no known character from the other movies. But anyway, i´ll watch it as i´m a Star Wars fan!😉
18 December 2016, 16:24
Yes Holger your right! My girlfriend didn't know what was going on and thought it was dark and boring for the first hour. But it does get better after a while. Oh there is a couple of familiar faces here (even if they are CGI) Not having the famous intro telling you the story fading off into the distance at the start makes it a bit hard for someone who doesn't know where the story starts to know what is going on! But i did enjoy it far more towards the end. But don't get me started on the soundtrack.... Plus yet another female playing the lead role yet again mmm.... "This is NOT the movie your looking for" 😮
I think the movie industry is in trouble. Most movies I've seen over the past couple of years are pretty average stories relying to much on CGI and forgetting a good story! This worries me as my job depends on this industry buying lighting control equipment. Plus I'm a movie lover but keep screwing them up and i don't bother to go and see too many of them these days.
18 December 2016, 16:35
Kees Kleijwegt
I've seen it yesterday and I liked it! Indeed the music is different and there's no 'rolling text'.
But hey, it's a Star Wars 'story' and so can be different/darker. I think it is a cool movie and you should definitely go if you like Star Wars. The cinema here in Holland was almost full (2D version), a couple of days after premiere.
18 December 2016, 17:44
Donald Dickson II
Not sure what movie you saw, but I have to disagree 100%. Of course it is dark. This is the Empire at its height. They have everyone under their thumb and are about to unleash a weapon that can destroy worlds in an instant. And it is being led by Tarkin, a man who makes Hitler look like a school yard bully. And Vader is his enforcer. How in the name of The Force could it NOT be dark? This whole movie is about the sacrfices made to get that one bit of information out that actually offers hope. Noting the line in the first movie (Episode 4) where she says we lost a lot of people getting this information. Or something to that effect. This the story of that one line. So please, quit with the it was too dark stuff. I was exactly the mood the story calls for.

The music was perfect! It set the mood exactly as it should have given the circumstances. And it was fantastic in 3D Imax. As for someone not knowing whats going on. The movie isnt really a stand alone story, BUT, its not like you HAVE to know the original story to understand whats going here. Its a clear story that is easy to follow. All of you harping on familiar characters are not getting it. This isnt Star Wars. As it clearly states in the title, its A STAR WARS STORY. A lot more than Han, Luke and Leia occupy the Star Wars reality. The only CGI they relied heavily on was Tarkin and Leia, and what choice did they have? Tarkin is an absolute necessity to the story, and Leia at the end is the last little thread that tie it right into episode 4.

I would also say that this is absolutely brilliant on Disneys part. Again, not sure what you guys are thinking here. This makes all those who have not seen the first movies more likely to go buy/rent them to watch now. This was a prequel that was done perfectly, unlike those 3 shit movies that were foisted off on us in the 90s. It stayed true to the stuff set down in the first movies. It filled in a major part of the story and answered a number of questions that have been around for decades. And every theater around here was sold out or near max capacity pretty much through this weekend. The Imax theatre I went to was sold out through yesterday when I bought my tickets over a week ago.
18 December 2016, 18:10
Kees Kleijwegt
I totally agree with you Donald.
Although I think, in the process of defending this cool movie, you unleashed some spoilers onto the galaxy😉
18 December 2016, 18:21
I stand by what I've said. Hated the soundtrack and there's a lot of people out there already divided on this movie. I didn't say i hate the movie only the music! It is a lot better when the battles begin just the first half drags on way too long. And Crenic? "Ben Mendelston" has a silly sounding voice! (Sounds to Australian?) that made me laugh and not fear him. There will never be the same interest in these movies as the first trilogy!
18 December 2016, 23:39

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