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Thread started by GeordieAlex on

Alex Stokoe
This is a dreadful kit. Shocking fit all over the place. Highlight for me is the small round windows on the underside - there are two identical ones on the bomb bay doors - one of the clear window pieces is too big for its hole. the other is too small.

You must drill holes on the wings for the locator pins on the wing slipper tanks - these have guide holes on the inside of the wing. Once drilled, the holes are in the wrong place so the locator pins do not meet them.
De Havilland Mosquito PR.XVI D-DAY 70th Anniversary
Airfix 1:48
A07112 2014 New decals
1 15 August 2020, 10:58
Alex Stokoe
The instructions are no help at all. Use them so you know what piece needs to go where, but with regards the order of instruction - forget it. Work out your own.
15 August 2020, 10:59
Alex Stokoe
If you do happen upon this kit, I recommend you have everything on it closed - bomb bay doors, undercarriage up, etc.
15 August 2020, 11:00
Ahh that's a bugger!....... I fancied doing one of those too.
Have you got pix of the completed project?
15 August 2020, 11:08
Uh, oh. Seems like maybe 1977's molds. 🙂 I don't mind some simple fixing, but these say I really should try avoid ending up with lots of fix-it-up kits.
15 August 2020, 12:13
Alex Stokoe
Not finished it yet, Munkyslut. Perservering for now, but......we shall see.
15 August 2020, 20:19
Sebastian Meyner
Well it's a 43 year old mold...what exactly did you expect? And after all aren't we modellers?! 😄
15 August 2020, 21:29
Alex Stokoe
I'm new to the site - is it not the done thing to provide information about our experiences to help others in making buying choices? Apologies if I have misunderstood the purpose of these messages.
15 August 2020, 22:04
Yes Alex mate you are right........ I think a bit of friendly sarcasm from Sebastian 😉
15 August 2020, 22:31
Sebastian Meyner
Well yes and no ( the sarcasm part). The Airfix Mossie was basically the only one around in 1:48, until Tamiya issued their kit(s). Given it's age it's still a very decent kit that can build into something special....IF you'r willing to invest a little bit more than just glue and 10 minutes. I just find critisism on kits that old a little out of place. It is as if we're judging them by todays standards.
16 August 2020, 07:04
Alex Stokoe
"IF you'r willing to invest a little bit more than just glue and 10 minutes."

Thanks. I won't be posting again.
16 August 2020, 07:19
@Sebastian: it is a perfect legit and welcome comment from Alex.

you are basically saying to not make comments on any kit from 1970? 1980? 1990? 2000? 2018?

Let us stay positive 🙂

16 August 2020, 09:59
Sebastian Meyner
No, that's not what I ment at all and if anyone feels offended by my comment I do appologize since it wasn't my intention at all 🙁
I just have the feeling that these day we all tend do judge everything by todays (quality...) standards, which I honestly don't agree with. So please GeordieAlex, don't be wording might have been harsher than intended... 😉
16 August 2020, 11:08
What Sebastian doesn't seem to ackknowledge, which I think is worth noting, is that kit manufacturers dress up old kits as seemingly brand new. Nothing I can do about that practice, but it makes me very suspicous, so I ALWAYS check the kit history. I am not interested in getting some 1:350 battleship kit with molds from 1960's or somesuch, even if dressed up in a fancy package.
16 August 2020, 11:22
Tony Trembath-Drake
about to give this a go... realized the color is so close to dark ghost grey from the USAF (with a touch of black), so willing to give it a quick go... see if I can build it over a week... to the painting and then use it to test my first go at masks...
1 January 2021, 11:17
Ralf Topeters
@Sebastian: I think it is absolutely alright to compare these old molds with todays standards as long as manufacturers sell them today. Airfix is selling this kit nowadays so they have to compete with todays market. For example: In the Netherlands there is still a really great modeling scene with still a lot of nice little shops everywhere. When we are on holidays there I always love to find me some of these stores there and look through their assortment. When I am there I don't always have the possibility to check the age of the molds of every kit there in stock. There are just a lot of new packages with new or old molds. So if you want to sell old stuff you still have to compete and with that it is absolutely fair to be compared. No offense meant here just as an explanation. Greetings
1 January 2021, 15:06
Tony Trembath-Drake
well - I've finished the core build - and the kit is very odd - old old old Airfix moulds with new bits all over the place - you almost have a second model of random stuff in the end - and you have to be careful with engines and wings selecting the right parts... I hated the cut out of the camera below the fuselage, and would call this a deal-breaker for the kit (the size wasn't the issue, getting a smooth round-ness was for me) - almost impossible to get them nice and clean - I'd almost leave them 'as is' and just have the 2 cameras in the bomb bay (I just added black card so they have a background).... but the rest actually came together quite well...The old moulds had flash, but the Airfix plastic is soft, so easy to clean and alignment/joins were not a problem... Only the nose seam being a real issue. I'm using the decals in the box, so have a look at my project in a week or two when done... (and it's a quick build, so take that into account)...
24 March 2021, 03:31

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