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Anthony D'Agostino
Warning to anyone planning to buy this kit. For some unknown, stupid reason, the kit DOES NOT come with the primary weapon as shown in the box art. Only those lucky enough to receive a FREE kit for reviews, also receive the resin and PE M197 rotory cannon.

I bought my kit directly from Kitty Hawk and when I emailed them about the missing cannon, they replied that it wasn't included in the design, which is yet another stupid move by a company that keeps making stupid choices. Similar to the problems regarding figures for their MH-60L. Some people got them, most didn't.

The ONLY reason I bought this kit, was the cannon, now I have just another kit that only reminds me of how they pissed me off. Not a smart way to keep their customers in my opinion. Why those who get everything free also received the cannon is beyond comprehension. I paid over $100 for mine, and get screwed.

If you want the cannon, forget about it, you too will only get screwed!
MH-60S "Knighthawk" w/ M197 Cannon
Kitty Hawk 1:35
KH50015 2020 New parts
16 July 2021, 12:42
i think Kitty Hawk is now closed
16 July 2021, 14:14
Anthony D'Agostino
Yes they are now closed, and the prices of their kits is certainly going to rise, even though they are already over priced in my opinion. This hobby has now become extremely expensive, and you should at least get what you paid for. Their reply to me, stating that they cannon is not part of the kit, is ridiculous. They have it prominently pictured on the box top, and if you read the reviews attached to this kit, cybermodels and britmodeller, they both show this kit with the cannon. So they not only get a free kit, they receive the cannon as well, while the paying customers get the shaft.

Its a shame too, they make some of the best helicopter kits in any scale, their details compared to Academy is not even close. Its just sad they can't get their sh*t together and treat the customers with a bit more respect, and offer a bit hetter price points as well. Their kits are ridiculously high priced.

They are likely to return, or maybe they are really closing their doors forever. If so, I hope they sell their toolings to a company that knows how to translate their instructions into English, and put them in the proper order. Only time will tell, but I will keep emailing them until I get a proper response. That kit pisses me off, every time I look at it, I know I got screwed by Kitty Hawk, their excuse is beyond pathetic.
17 July 2021, 00:03
Eric Thornton
I just checked my MH-60S kit I ordered direct from KH and I have the M197 Cannon. Yes KH is a mess they need to get their act together.
17 July 2021, 14:19
Anthony D'Agostino
Well they are closed, and from what Gino told me (heavy arty is his profile usually), KittyHawk is closed permanently. I don't know why, waiting his reply.

On another note, do you plan to build your kit configured as a gunship, or for special operations infil/exfil? If you don't have plans to use the cannon, I would be more than happy to buy it from you. Wish it was included when I bought mine, seems wrong to pay for it again, but I don't have much choice, they have ignored all my follow up emails.


18 July 2021, 00:49
Lenny Hoffmann
Hey Anthony, you can buy a resin cannon from Werner's Wings. I can really recommend his stuff, since I already used it for a lot of my models as well! Just check him out.
18 July 2021, 10:19
Iirc, having watched a video review, I think the paint guide for one or two (additional) paint schemes is also missing in the kit. 🙂
18 July 2021, 13:53
Anthony D'Agostino
Lenny, I already talked to Floyd about his cannon and I am considering it, but living in the Philippines makes buying from him difficult and expensive. The shipping is $20, his cannon sells for $15. That is a huge additional cost for a part that should have been in the kit anyway, which further infuriated me.

I will continue to message kitty hawk employees until I believe there is no further action to take. Then I will either figure out what other build options I have, or bite the bullet and pay 30% more for the parts from Floyd. Anyway, thanks for the help regarding my one true option, I have a couple of his decal sets and they are also very nice. Cheers,

28 July 2021, 11:22

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