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mart b
Excited that a model of this plane is available, but honestly, quite poor molding quality and detail levels, especially disappointed with the Scarab engine. Will take quite a bit of work to make decent.
CAC Wackett Trainer Australian World War Two Trainer
High Planes Models 1:72
72014 199x Nieuwe mallen
1 9 May 2020, 20:08
I'm jealous if you have one of these.
I don't have this yet
9 May 2020, 20:20
CMR make one too but where you buy one.
That's a mystery
9 May 2020, 20:25
mart b
@wilky - I was quite surprised when one came up on ebay (US) recently, and I managed to snag it quite inexpensively.
I hunted around the internet for images of all the known kits, as far as I can tell they're all from the same tooling (HP, CMR, NKR). If you learn that one is better than the others let me know!
10 May 2020, 20:13
I see, so you're the one that bought it
I saw it but couldn't afford it due to shipping to Australia being very expensive.
I very much doubt that the NKR is the same tooling.
They were produced by a guy in Ballarat, Victoria. Australia in his shed.
Unless he sold the molds
10 May 2020, 22:14
High Planes could be a rebox of the NKR seeing as both are Australian but it's just as likely that it isn't
10 May 2020, 22:16
mart b
Sorry, only just saw your last couple comments ... damn, I may have to seek out the CMR one then. The HP version is quite rough indeed.
12 August 2020, 20:58
That's alright, I haven't gone anywhere.
Not allowed, being in Victoria Australia we're under lockdown again due to SARS-CoV-2.
I recently purchased an NKR Wackett on ebay.
Would be stoked if I could get the other two.
My plan is to pay for the kit to be scanned so it can be 3D printed
12 August 2020, 22:45
mart b
hmm. If this (1/72) is a repackaging of the NKR, well the NKR says right on it that it was made by CM, perhaps the CM would be the cleanest-made parts? Or maybe the funk my example has is indicative of CM quality? (in 1/72 anyway)
The NKR at 1/48 does not appear to have that CM notation. Curious.
13 August 2020, 15:57
I'm also curious as to that situation.
Unfortunately these short run kits aren't as well researched as the major companies.
No other NKR kit appears to be a rebox of another company either, why exactly this one is I guess we'll never know.
Don't get fooled into thinking that if it's not in the database it doesn't exist.
I'm often purchasing kits not represented in the Scalemates database.
Especially when it comes to R.A.A.F. aircraft.
I currently have a Hasegawa F-18 and two Boomerang kits to add when the season allows for better photos, I have to use natural light because I don't have a light box.
When I joined Scalemates I added ninety kits to the database, all with R.A.A.F. markings because that's all I collect.
13 August 2020, 20:58

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